11 Jan No Comments Anastasia news , , ,

Chicago’s blood supply is critically low right now, which means someone’s life may be in danger.

The Red Cross says there is an emergency need for donors, because blood is leaving hospitals faster than it’s coming in.

When there isn’t enough blood, it makes it harder for health care workers to provide life-saving care.

ABC7 spoke to a couple who suffered a major loss, but used the pain to push forward and help others.

“My first thought after we lost Jay was how do we keep his memory alive?” said Milton Brown.

Yvonne Blake Brown and Milton Brown lost their son, Jaden, to a car accident last year.

“During the brief illness, he needed several surgeries and massive amounts of blood,” Yvonne said. “And honestly, he was cleaning out the blood bank.”

That is what led Jaden’s parent to realizing how powerful blood donations could be. Now, since his passing, the parents work to keep his memory alive by hosting drives in his honor.

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